Baby Bump

17 Weeks

How Far Along:  17 weeks

Gender:  Counting down!  23 days until our next appointment!

Weight Gain:  I haven’t stepped on the scale this week.  I’m much more focused on how I feel, and I’m okay with only checking the scale at my appointments.  Plus, stay tuned for an updated pregnancy meal plan!

Maternity Clothes:  Yes and no.  I have a few of my work shirts that are definitely a no-go.  Some of my jeans still fit with a hair tie, but maternity jeans or yoga pants are definitely more comfortable these days.


Sleep:  I slept through the entire night for the first time since we found out for one night… Total win!  Most nights are hit or miss.  We let our little Charlie sleep with us, and he usually sleeps on top of the covers, but he got a hair cut this past week and I’m a softy so he’s been sleeping under the covers with us to keep him warm.

Movement:  I swore I felt something this past week, but A.J. thinks it was probably just gas 🙂

Cravings:  I HAD to have Buffalo Wild Wings this past weekend.  The only problem is that the closest Bdubs is an hour away.  Luckily, it was rainy and A.J. couldn’t work outside, so we made an excuse to register for baby gifts and eat some wings!

Queasy or Sick:  No complaints!  As far as medical concerns, I have been feeling like my blood sugar has been running low the last few days, so I am going to talk to my midwife at my next appointment.  Both of my parents have diabetes, so I’m on high alert for gestational diabetes.

Have You Started To Show Yet:  It’s still dependent on the day.  I was talking with A.J. last night and I really don’t feel like the bump has changed a whole lot in the last few weeks.  I’m sure we will start to see a difference in the next month or so!

Gender Prediction:  We’re both still leaning towards team boy, but I have been eyeing some adorable little girl outfits too.

Belly Button In or Out?  Still in, but I noticed it’s a little more stretched than normal this past week.

Looking Forward To:  We have some big & exciting news!  We put our house on the market this past weekend, so moving may be in our near future.  We don’t have any concrete plans at the moment, but we will see where the next few months take us :).

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