Baby Bump

21 Weeks

How Far Along:  21 weeks

Gender:  We finally know!  Buuuuuuttt, we have decided to keep it as a secret until our diaper party in a few weeks.  Trust me, it’s absolutely killing me, but I’m sure it will be totally worth it!

Weight Gain:  6 pounds.  This was a tough week for me, as I’ve had a slow and steady weight gain up to this point.  My midwife gave me the okay for 5 pounds in the 1st trimester, 15 pounds in the 2nd trimester, and 15 pounds in the 3rd trimester.  I’m right on track with her allowance, but it’s still hard to embrace the changes.

Banner: HoorayEveryday ———- Dress: Old Navy (second hand, last season)


Maternity Clothes:  Yes!  I made a major score on the maternity swap site this week, and got over 30 items for $300!  I think I finally have a decent stash, but I’m sure I’ll pick up a few more along the way.

Sleep:  Sleep has been excellent this past week!  As a part of our hypnobirthing class, we received 2  MP3 relaxation tracks that we are supposed to listen to each day.  I really try to do it before bed (it helps if you don’t fall asleep, but just focus on the relaxation), but finding an hour a day to block out for it has been difficult.  I started doing it every night, and try to go to bed at least a half hour early so I don’t fall asleep right away.  I think that has made a huge difference in helping me sleep through the night!  And it’s just a bonus that it is helping me prepare for baby’s birth day too!

Movement:  YES!  And, A.J. got to feel a kick too!  It quite honestly freaked him out a little bit, but he was excited too :).  We also found out at our ultrasound that the placenta is more towards the front of my uterus, so that’s why it’s a little more difficult to feel any kicks from the outside.  But we definitely have a very active little baby!

Cravings:  I think it’s safe to say my cravings are wearing down a little bit.  Although, Mom and I used “pregnancy cravings” as an excuse to grab some Texas Roadhouse this past weekend!

Queasy or Sick:  Not even a little bit!

Have You Started To Show Yet:  Definitely!  And I’ve noticed my belly is getting a little more round, rather than just protruding.

Gender Prediction:  No prediction this week, I can’t give it away!

Belly Button In or Out?  Still in.

Looking Forward To:  Buying gender specific baby clothes!  I have had my eye on so many cute outfits the past few weeks, but haven’t pulled the trigger because we didn’t know for sure what we were having!

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