Alivia Jade

Alivia Jade- 2 Months

2 months of loving our little Liv! Well, 2 months and a few days. I swore I wouldn’t succumb to second child syndrome, but here we are. Oh well, I’m counting it a win that I have each month done before the next month hits.


We had our 2 month well baby check the other day and we topped the scale at 11 lbs (38 percentile) and 23 inches (71 percentile). I’m so used to tiny babies (Addi never passed the fifth percentile at any well baby check), so a chunky baby is definitely exciting for us!


Our little pork chop is chunky for a reason- she eats around the clock! We hardly ever miss the 3 hour mark, and usually she’s hungry every 2 1/2 hours. I’m nursing/pumping, so we alternate nursing and bottles and she does great with both! I set a goal of having 1,000 ounces of freezer milk by the time we hit 2 months, and we just made it. I had a little dip in my supply after a bout of sickness, so I was very grateful to have our freezer stash if needed!


Newborn clothes are a thing of the past! We’ve upgraded to 3 month, 0-3 month, and even a few 3-6 month outfits. I’m having so much fun with matching outfits with the girls. I hated being dressed like my sisters as a kid, but Addison is eating this up- she goes to the closet and finds whatever she can to match her little sister and I love it so much!


We have a little smiling machine! Seriously, we went from a colicky baby to the happiest, most content baby. Alivia loves to lay on the floor and look at the ceiling, and she almost prefers it over being held. She coos, responds when we talk to her, and is so close to letting out a little giggle. If you ask big sister, she loves playing Barbie mermaids, but that basically consists of laying on the floor and being covered with Barbies. She loves listening to her sister sing songs, most of them made up by Addison.

2 Month Photo Dump

Great Grandpa Click
Mommy’s midwife, Terri. Who (almost) delivered Alivia 🙂
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