11 months. Our pictures have finally reached the stage of, “Come on, mom- wrap this up!” We are busy gearing up for fall, the holidays, and Addison’s 1st birthday party. As sad as I am to see our little girl … Continue reading...
This past year has been a year of growth for me. I started my own business, became a mom for the first time, and switched my career path all in a matter of 6 months. Then in March, I had … Continue reading...
I’m late. 2 days late. BUT, this is the first time in the 10 months since I’ve started doing this that I’ve missed the mark, so I’m calling that a WIN. Just wait to see how unorganized I’ll be with … Continue reading...
I quite often find myself scrolling Pinterest and pinning a million cute ideas but never following through with any of them. However, I was bound and determined when I saw this adorable lemonade stand photo shoot to make it happen … Continue reading...
9 months. 3/4 of a year. I’m still in disbelief of how fast the last nine months have flown by. So much has happened this month- from crawling to 4 teeth to a new baby cousin (who makes Addi look … Continue reading...